The erstwhile Sex Pistols manager and svengali had a continuing career in the 1990s making music for TV commercials which burgeoned after he cleverly put together operatic vocals and rhythmic backing for the British Airways theme Aria On Air. His tracks were in the main put together by Leigh Gorman, former bassist from Bow Wow Wow and producer of the other half of the Airhead album I produced. Leigh got me in to engineer some of Malcolm’s TV commercial music at Red Bus Studios and Marcus Studios, often with fabulous session musicians and artists, a willingness to co-opt out of copyright classical themes, and a no-compromises approach. This often led to bizarre and noteworthy situations and sessions – I’ll tell you a story or two over a drink some time perhaps…?!
Malcolm McLaren
KB Bayley
Credits / CV, Latest Work, Mastering
KB Bayley The second album I have mastered for the wonderful KB Bayley is out now! Flatlands can be...
Working with Bernard Butler from 1997 to 2024 – Mastering new tracks for a reissue of an album I recorded and mixed 24 years ago, and a new album!
Credits / CV, Mixing, Recording
Bernard Butler – Good Grief Bernard’s wonderful long awaited third solo album Good Grief is released on 31st May...
Credits / CV, Recording
I recorded vocals for All Grown Up with Nicole and Natalie Appleton at writer/producer Mike Rowe’s small room at...
James Brown credits George Shilling with Engineering his hit The Payback Mix!
Credits / CV, Mixing
Yes, you might be surprised to learn that I’m credited on a James Brown record – which I am...
Marc Almond
Credits / CV, Mixing
I engineered two mixes with Marc and Martyn Ware (formerly of Human League, Heaven 17) at Strongroom Studios in...
Album Mastering for the brilliantly daft Luke Haines
Credits / CV, Mastering
Luke Haines has released music under different band names like The Auteurs, Baader Meinhof and Black Box Recorder. He...
John Leckie and George Shilling – the cartoon! How I got animated at Abbey Road with…
Credits / CV, Video Interview
John Leckie and I have known each for many years. We have worked together a few times. I engineered...
Mastering the beautiful Rahbæk Due Sørensen album for the brilliant Mikael Andreasen
Credits / CV, Latest Work, Mastering
Mikael Andreasen Enjoying a few days having a ‘citybreak’ in Hampstead, London in April 2023, I chanced upon a...