The erstwhile Sex Pistols manager and svengali had a continuing career in the 1990s making music for TV commercials which burgeoned after he cleverly put together operatic vocals and rhythmic backing for the British Airways theme Aria On Air. His tracks were in the main put together by Leigh Gorman, former bassist from Bow Wow Wow and producer of the other half of the Airhead album I produced. Leigh got me in to engineer some of Malcolm’s TV commercial music at Red Bus Studios and Marcus Studios, often with fabulous session musicians and artists, a willingness to co-opt out of copyright classical themes, and a no-compromises approach. This often led to bizarre and noteworthy situations and sessions – I’ll tell you a story or two over a drink some time perhaps…?!
Malcolm McLaren
Cathal Coughlan – Mastering new material (with Luke Haines on bass) from the man from Microdisney and Fatima Mansions
Credits / CV, Latest Work, Mastering
My Grief On The Sea Before his sad demise, Cathal Coughlan was in touch with me again regarding a...
John Leckie and George Shilling – the cartoon! How I got animated at Abbey Road with…
Credits / CV, Video Interview
John Leckie and I have known each for many years. We have worked together a few times. I engineered...
Tony Iommi
Cello / Strings, Credits / CV
My friend the engineer and producer Mike Exeter called me up as he was working with Tony Iommi of...
From Streem to TAHM – Mixing and Mastering the Palmers’ brilliant new material after a 25+ year break
Credits / CV, Latest Work, Mastering, Mixing
In the beginning... Streem Many years ago I produced an engineered some songs with a beat combo from Kendal...
DJ Billy Millings: Mastering fantastic House and Techno tracks by the prolific London DJ/Producer/Remixer
Credits / CV, Latest Work, Mastering
DJ Billy Millings Billy has been expertly DJ-ing for many years, with radio shows, club appearances, alongside creating his...
The Soup Dragons – making the Lovegod album and recording I’m Free with a gospel choir
Credits / CV, Mixing, Recording
The Year Is 1990… …and I had had some success, by the age of 21 moving up from assistant...
Credits / CV, Mixing, Recording
Slade descended to my old Bank Cottage studio thanks to a recommendation from Bill Hunt who had co-written some...
KB Bayley
Credits / CV, Latest Work, Mastering
KB Bayley The second album I have mastered for the wonderful KB Bayley is out now! Flatlands can be...